UENR - School of Graduate Studies
Achieving excellence together through knowledge sharing, hard work, perseverance, respect, creativity, innovativeness, integrity, and impact.
Achieving excellence together through knowledge sharing, hard work, perseverance, respect, creativity, innovativeness, integrity, and impact.
Applications shall usually be requested through advertisements in the print media, radio, University’s website, and other social media platforms. As much as possible, online applications shall be encouraged. All applications would be supported by letters of recommendation, transcript(s), and certified copies of certificates of previous tertiary academic degrees/diplomas.
The academic calendar is organised into semesters (blocks and sessions). Programmes are made up of courses which are coded by levels of academic progression and are assigned credits. Each course is examined either at the end of the module or the end of the semester.
Each academic unit shall provide detailed information about the structure of programmes leading to the award of graduate degrees and offer advice and counselling to students.
It shall be the responsibility of each student of the University to know both the specific requirements of the graduate degree for which he/she is registered as well as the rules, regulations and policies of the University and the relevant academic unit.
It shall be the responsibility of each student to ensure that the courses selected satisfy the requirements for the award of the graduate degree pursued.
Every student, by the act of registering, agrees to abide by all rules, regulations and policies of the University and of the relevant academic unit.
Each student is required to acquaint himself/herself with the general information outlined in this Handbook and any relevant information from the academic unit(s) into which he/she is enrolled. Students may consult their Head of Department or the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies for additional information.
Exemption from any of these General Regulations may be granted only by the express permission of the Academic Board on the recommendation of the Board of the School of Graduate Studies and the appropriate School Board.
The University reserves the right to change rules, regulations and policies, as well as programme and course requirements outlined in this Handbook without prior notice.
All applicants are required to complete the online application registration using the Voucher Number and PIN and first submit online.
Once the process has been completed, candidates must print out three (3) copies of the completed application form from the portal and submit together with all the following: certified copies of all certificates; an original copy of transcript(s); two sealed referee reports and research proposal to the address provided as follows:
The Secretary
School of Graduate Studies
University of Energy and Natural Resources
Post Office Box 214
These are set by various Departments approved by the respective Schools and with further input from the Academic Board. However, UENR School of Graduate Studies would take a holistic approach towards the selection of potential candidates, taking into consideration work experience and research accomplishment, marginalized groups as well as relevance and need of proposed study area in the attainment of the mission of the School of Graduate Studies and the University.
Master of Science/Master of Arts/Master of Business Administration
To be eligible for admission into the Non-Research Master Programme, candidates must be graduates of this University or any other accredited University with a minimum of a Third Class degree in the relevant field. Holders of postgraduate diploma certificates with excellent classification may also be considered for admission.
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) (Masters By Research) Programme
To be eligible for admission into the Masters By Research /Master of Philosophy programme, candidates must be graduates of this University or any other accredited University with a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division) degree in the relevant field. Candidates must demonstrate an adequate intellectual capacity for independent work, maturity, effective decision making and problem-solving potentials.
PhD Programme
To be eligible for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy degree programme, Candidates must:
Note: Doctoral programmes will only be run when supervision is guaranteed.
A candidate, who does not satisfy the full rigour of the academic requirement of a programme but is adjudged suitable based on professional and work experience, may be admitted. For such special admissions, a candidate may be required to take additional courses (remedial courses) to make up the deficit, be admitted on one-year probation, be offered a certificate other than MSc/MPhil or whatever combinations the Board of the School Graduate Studies deems suitable.
On receipt of applications, the Registrar/Secretary shall forward them to the appropriate Departments. The Head of Department shall then present to the Board of the School of Graduate Studies a list of all candidates who satisfy the conditions for admission as stipulated generally and specifically by the Departments for the Board to decide on which candidates may be offered admission. Such admissions would be significantly influenced by the availability of supervisors for the student's research interest and facilities for the intended area of study.
Applications shall be considered in the first instance by the department in which the applicant wishes to study. The department shall satisfy itself of the suitability of the candidate and the availability of resources, both material and human, for the successful completion of the candidate’s work. An interview and/or a qualifying examination may be administered by the Department to determine the suitability of an applicant. The Head of the Department shall submit in writing to the Board of the School of Graduate Studies a statement on the suitability or otherwise of each applicant.
Standing committees of the Schools and the School of Graduate Studies shall monitor applications received, meet and recommend the offer of admissions. UENR admits both local and international applicants into its Graduate Programmes.
An applicant who is offered admission can defer the programme only on medical grounds. The Director of University Health Services should authenticate related medical reports.
A candidate who is offered admission but cannot enroll into the programme due to ill-health can defer the programme for a maximum of one year, after which he/she forfeits the admission if unable to enroll.
The applicant should write his/her letter requesting deferment to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies through his/her Head of Department/Dean of School.